May 2024 Message From Pastor Stephanie “Belonging”

God created us to belong, both to him and to one another. But our pride drove us far away, both from him and from one another. Now Jesus is bringing us back, both to him and to one another.
Maybe you

April 2024 Message From Pastor Stephanie “Woven Threads”

The sleeve of my favorite black sweater got a tiny rip where the cuff meets the sleeve, so the other day I got out a needle and thread to fix it. As I carefully recalled childhood memories of how my

March 2024 Message From Pastor Stephanie “Brokenness and Building”

Have you seen the movie “Annihilation?” It’s not my usual type of movie (I’m not much into sci-fi or scary movies) but so many friends recommended it, so I decided to take a chance. It definitely wasn’t a feel-good kind

February 2024 Message From Pastor Stephanie “The Invitation of Jesus”

A friend of mine who was raised in a fundamentalist home told me a disturbing story recently. One Sunday morning, the youth pastor at her church passed out three-inch galvanized nails to all the students in his care. He instructed

January 2024 Message From Pastor Stephanie “Thinking Ahead”

It’s January, which means we are thinking all the things about a new year, starting fresh, and New Year’s Resolutions. Promises we make to ourselves to do better and be better in the new year. I am not here to